共想有限公司個人資料(私隱)政策 (隱私權政策)
1. 個人資料(私隱)條例
根據香港法例第 486 章個人資料(私隱) 條例的規定管理和保護您的個人資料。
2. 此隱私權政策所說明的事項
我們收集個人資料的理由; 以及
3. 您的個人資料的收集
3.1 個人資料是指可用以直接或間接地辦識特定個人身份的資料。
3.2 共想有限公司收集可用以辦識您個人身份的資料,如您的名字、電郵地址
3.3 當您需要支付我們的產品、服務和手機應用程式時,共想有限公司收集您
3.4 共想有限公司可能收集您與我們和/或我們的商業合作伙伴的交易資料。這
3.5 如我們的商業合作伙伴有您的帳戶資料、服務關係或交易記錄,共想有限
3.6 共想有限公司可能從從事營銷數據業務服務提供商中獲取有關您的資料。
3.7 共想有限公司可能會把我們掌握的和我們從我們的商業合作伙伴或其他人
3.8 共想有限公司可能收集您自願在網上留言、調查和/或網頁註冊時所提供的
3.9 共想有限公司收集不會與任何特定個人產生直接關聯之匿名統計訊息,如
3.10 我們亦會自動收集有關於您的計算機硬件和軟件和手提裝置的資料。這些
資料可能包括您的 IP 地址、瀏覽器類型、域名、訪問時間以及引用網站地址。
4. 您的個人資料的使用
4.1 共想有限公司收集和使用您的個人資料,以操作我們公司的網站和/或手機
4.2 當您為接收我們的可選擇的電子郵件而提供您的電郵地址給我們時,共想
4.3 共想有限公司不會出售、出租或租用我們的客戶名單給第三方。我們或會
4.4 共想有限公司只會在法律要求或善意地認為這樣的行動是必要時,才會在
(a) 遵守法律法令或遵守我們公司的網站或手機應用程式所需要遵守的法律程
(b) 保護和捍衛我們公司的權利或財產;
(c) 在緊急情況下採取行動,以保護我們公司職員或公眾的人身安全;
(d) 提供資料給我們公司的母公司或任何其他屬我們公司集團的公司;
(e) 提供資料給已向我們分司承諾保持該資料保密的任何其他人士或公司;
(f) 提供資料給協助我們公司的運作的第三方。
4.5 共想有限公司在未經您的明確同意前,不會收集、使用或披露敏感的個人
4.6 我們所收集到的您的個人資料只會用於我們在收集時所提到的具體用途或
4.7 共想有限公司追踪我們的客戶在我們的網站內所到訪過的網站和網頁,以
4.8 共想有限公司的網頁是寄存在韓國的。如果您在香港以外的地區使用我們
5. Cookies 的使用
5.1 共想有限公司會使用 cookies 來讓您的在線遊戲有更個人化的體驗。
Cookie 是由 Web 伺服器放置在您的硬盤的一個文本文件。Cookies 可以儲存用
戶的偏好和其他訊息。 Cookies 不能用於運行程序,也不能將病毒傳播到您的
電腦或行動裝置。Cookies Web 伺服器獨特地分配給您的,亦只有在域名內
Web 伺服器能讀取它所發出的 cookies。共想有限公司不會透露我們的
cookies 所收集到的訊息給別人。
5.2 當您使用共想有限公司的產品、服務和/或手機應用程式時,共想有限公司
可能自動接收並記錄我們的伺服器從您的瀏覽器中所取得的訊息,包括您的 IP
地址、cookies 和您請求的頁面。此訊息可能會被用作:
(a) 識別您作為帳戶使用者的身份;
(b) 當一段時間過去後,伺服器會要求您重新輸入您的密碼,以保護您的帳戶
(c) 當您使用我們的網站和應用程式時追踪您所指定的喜好;
(d) 診斷和預防由我們的用戶或工程師報告的服務或技術問題;
(e) 估計和報告在特定地理區域使用我們所提供的產品、服務和應用程式的總
(f) 進行研究,以改善我們的服務。
5.3 您有權選擇接受或停用 cookies。您可更改您的瀏覽器的設定去接受所有
cookies、停用所有 cookies 或在我們設置一個 cookie 時通知您。一旦您選擇
停用所有 cookies,或特別拒絕由共想有限公司設置的 cookies,您可能無法充
5.4 共想有限公司的廠商、服務提供商和業務合作伙伴可能會通過我們的網站
和軟件應用程式設置和取用他們的 cookies。有關共想有限公司以外的他方如
何使用他們的 cookies 和收集資料是受他們自己的公司的隱私權政策所規管。
6. 有關未成年的人的個人資料的收集和使用
6.1 我們不會明知而收集年齡未滿 18 歲的未成年人的個人資料。如果您是 18
6.2 若您相信我們收集了受您監護的未成年人的個人資料,並希望請求我們刪
除他們的個人資料,歡迎您透過 info@innohive.com 與我們聯絡。
7. 向第三者提供您的個人資料
7.1 除於本隱私權政策中所描述的情況,在一般情況下,共想有限公司並不會
7.2 當您授權我們分享您的個人資料或當我們因提供和改進我們的產品、服
7.3 在我們經營業務的過程中,共想有限公司可能會提供您的個人資料予我們
7.4 共想有限公司在未得到您的明確和自願的書面同意前,不會向第三者分享
7.5 隨著我們繼續發展我們的業務,我們可能會涉及合併、收購或出售資產。
7.6 如共想有限公司善意地相信我們有合理的必要訪問、使用、保存或披露您
(a) 執行我們的服務條款,包括對潛在違規行為的調查;
(b) 檢測、防止或以其他方式處理涉嫌欺詐、安全或技術問題;
(c) 滿足任何適用的法律、法規、法律程序或者有效的政府要求;
(d) 建立或行使我們的合法權利以對索償作出辯護; /
(e) 根據法律的要求或所允許的,防止危害我們公司、我們公司的用戶或公眾
8. 第三方網站和服務
8.1 共想有限公司的網站及應用程式可能包含第三方網站及應用程式的連結。
8.2 共想有限公司鼓勵您查閱從我們的網站或應用程式連結到的網站或應用程
9. 您的個人資料的安全
9.1 共想有限公司將盡合理的商業努力,包括行政和技術措施,以保障您的個
9.2 請謹記如您通過公共留言板、論壇、聊天室、社交網絡或其他地方直接透
10. 您的個人資料和其他資料的保留
10.1 在適用的法律、法規和規章的許可,和在我們有合理必要以保護我們的合
10.2 除非法律要求或容許共想有限公司更長時間地保留您的個人資料,共想有
11. 您的個人資料的取用及更改
11.1 您的個人資料將在合理期限內被保存在我們的數據庫中。如果您是該個人
11.2 您可以要求刪除您的個人資料。然而,共想有限公司為保護您的個人資料
11.3 上述的請求需以書面形式透過電子郵件 info@innohive.com 與我們聯絡。
11.4 當您要求我們更新或刪除您的個人資料時,我們會要求先確認您的身份,
11.5 共想有限公司可能拒絕不合理地重複的、需要不相稱的技術的(例如開發
12. 對此隱私權政策的變更
13. 語言
14. 聯絡資料
info@innohive.com 與我們聯絡。
Innohive Limited Personal Information (Privacy) Policy (hereinafter
“Privacy Policy”)
The following describes the policy of Innohive Limited (hereinafter
Innohive”) on customers’ personal information.
Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance
Innohive is committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and
security of the personal information we hold by complying with the
requirements of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the
laws of Hong Kong, (hereinafter “the Ordinance”) with respect to
the management of your personal information. We strive to ensure
compliance by our employees and agents with the strictest standard of
security and confidentiality.
What this Privacy Policy covers
This Privacy Policy covers:
what personal information we collect;
why we collect it; and
how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, retain and safeguard
your personal information.
3. Collection of your personal information
3.1 Personal information is information that is practicable for the
identity of the individual to be directly or indirectly ascertained.
3.2 Innohive collects your personally identifiable information such
as your name, email address and/or other information in connection
with the operation of our services.
3.3 Innohive collects your billing and account information for credit
cards, payment cards or other payment systems from you, when payment
for our products, services and mobile applications are required, and
shares this information with Innohive’s billing and payment
processor(s). Innohive does not store credit card or payment card
numbers after we have forwarded the relevant information to its
billing and payment processor(s).
3.4 Innohive may collect information about your transactions with us
and/or with our business partners. This information may include
information necessary to process payments, such as billing
information and your credit card number.
3.5 Innohive may receive information about you from our business
partners with which you have an account, service relationship or
transaction history.
3.6 Innohive may obtain information about you from service providers
engaged in the business of marketing data.
3.7 Innohive may combine your personal information in our possession
with information we obtained from our business partners or others.
3.8 Innohive may collect your other personal information voluntarily
provided by you through posts, surveys and/or site registrations.
3.9 Innohive collects anonymous demographic information, which is not
unique to you, such as your ZIP code, current location, time zone,
age, gender, preferences, interests and favourites.
3.10 There is also information about your computer hardware(s) and
software(s) and mobile device(s) that is automatically collected by
us. This information may include your IP address, browser type,
domain name, access time and referring website addresses. This
information is used by our company for the operation and quality
maintenance of our services. This information is also used for the
provision of the general statistics regarding the use of our service.
Use of your personal information
4.1 Innohive collects and uses your personal information for the
operation of our company’s website and/or mobile applications. We
use your personal information for purposes including identification
and authentication, account access and account management, contact,
provision of products, provision of maintenance, guarantee and other
services you have requested, provision of information relevant to
your products and services, provision of advertising and promotional
materials by our company, improvement of services, conduction of
surveys, researches and analysis and reporting.
4.2 When you have submitted your email address to Innohive for the
purpose of receiving optional email, Innohive will use your email
address to send you optional email messages. Innohive may also
contact you and send you transactional or relationship messages in
relation to your account status, security updates and notifications
of changes by this email address or any email addresses that you have
provided us.
4.3 Innohive does not sell, rent or lease our customer lists to third
parties. We may contact you on behalf of external business partners
about a particular offer that may be of interest to you. Your unique
personally identifiable information such as name and email address
will not be transferred to the third parties. In addition, Innohive
may share your personal information with trusted partners to help us
perform statistical analysis, send you email or postal mail, provide
customer support, or arrange for deliveries. All such third parties
are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide
these services to our company, and they are required to maintain the
confidentiality of your information.
4.4 Innohive will disclose your personal information, without notice,
only if we are required to do so by law or in the good faith belief
that such action is necessary to:
(a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process
served on our company’s website or mobile applications;
(b) protect and defend the rights or property of our company;
(c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety
of users of our company, or the public;
(d) provide to our company’s parent company or any other company
forming part of our company’s group;
(e) provide to any other person or corporation under a duty of
confidentiality to our company which has undertaken to keep such
information confidential; or
(f) provide to other third parties which assist in our company’s
4.5 Innohive does not collect, use or disclose sensitive personal
information, such as race, religion, or political affiliations,
without your explicit consent.
4.6 Any personal information collected from you will only be used for
the specific purposes mentioned at the time of collection or for
purposes directly related to those specific purposes. We will ask for
your consent before using your personal information for a purpose
other than those that are set out in this Privacy Policy.
4.7 Innohive keeps track of the websites and pages our customers
visit within the website of our company, in order to determine what
services of our company are the most popular. This information is
used to deliver customized content and advertisements within our
company to customers whose behavior indicates that they are
interested in a particular subject area.
4.8 The web page of Innohive is hosted in Korea. If you use our
services outside of Hong Kong, you acknowledge that you are
voluntarily transferring information, including personal information,
to Hong Kong and agree that the collection, use, storage and sharing
of your information by Innohive is exclusively subject to the laws of
Hong Kong, not of the jurisdiction in which you are located.
Use of cookies
5.1 Innohive uses “cookies” to help personalize your online and
gaming experience. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your
hard disk by a web server. Cookies may store user preferences and
other information. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver
viruses to your computers or mobile devices. Cookies are uniquely
assigned to you, and can only be read by the web server in the domain
that issued the cookies to you. Innohive will not disclose the
information we have collected by cookies to others.
5.2 Innohive may automatically receive and record information on our
server logs from your browser, including your IP address, cookies and
the pages you request, when you use our products, services and/or
mobile applications. This information may be used for purposes
including to:
(a) identify you as an account holder;
(b) require you to re-enter your password after a certain period of
time has elapsed to protect your account information and contents
from being accidentally accessed by others;
(c) keep track of your preferences you specify when you are using our
websites and applications;
(d) diagnose and prevent service or technology problems reported by
our users or engineers that are associated with the IP addresses
controlled by a specific web company or ISP;
(e) estimate and report the total number of users using the products,
services and applications provided by Innohive from specific
geographical regions; and/or
(f) conduct research to improve our services.
5.3 You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. You can
configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies or
notify you when a cookie is set. If you choose to decline all
cookies, or specifically reject cookies set by Innohive, you may not
be able to fully experience the interactive features of the services
provided by our company.
5.4 Innohive’s vendors, service providers and business partners may
set and access their own cookies on and through Innohive’s website
and software applications. How parties other than Innohive use their
own cookies and the information they collected is subject to their
own companies’ privacy policies.
Collection and use of personal information from minors
6.1 We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from
minors under the age of 18 If you are a minor under 18, we recommend
you to register or attempt to register for any of our products,
services, websites and applications or send any of your personal
information to us if and only if you have acquired prior consent from
a person with parental responsibility for you, such as your parents.
Innohive does not take any steps to verify the age you have provided
6.2 If you believe that we might have collected personal information
from your minor under the age of 18 whom you have parental
responsibility with and would like to request us to delete the
personal information of your minor, please contact us by email at
Disclosure of your personal information to third parties
7.1 Generally, Innohive will not share your personal information
collected from your use of our products, services, websites and
mobile applications with others, except as described in this Privacy
7.2 Innohive may share your personal information when you have
authorized us to do so or when it is necessary for the provision and
improvement of our products, services, websites, mobile applications
and advertisements and completion of transactions.
For external processing:
7.3 In the course of operating our business, Innohive may provide
your personal information to our affiliates or other trusted
businesses or persons such as our service providers, contractors,
credit card companies and selected vendors to provide the necessary
hardware, software, networking, storage and related technology and
services required to run our services. We may seek to obtain
confidentiality agreements that are consistent with this Privacy
Policy and that limit others’ use or disclosure of your personal
information if it is commercially practicable for us to do so.
7.4 Innohive will not share your personal information with third
parties for their marketing purposes without your express and
voluntary written consent.
7.5 As we continue to develop our business, we may involve in a
merger, acquisition or asset sale. In such transactions, personal
information we have collected from our users is generally one of the
business assets that will be transferred to the purchasing
party/parties. Innohive will continue to ensure the confidentiality
of the personal information we have collected and transferred.
Innohive will give affected users notice if their personal
information becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
For legal reasons:
7.6 We may share your personal information with companies,
organizations or individuals outside of Innohive if we have a good-
faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the
information is reasonably necessary to:
enforce our Terms of Service, including investigation of
potential violations,
detect, prevent or otherwise address suspected fraud, security or
technical issues;
meet any applicable laws, regulations, legal processes or
enforceable governmental requests,
establish or exercise our legal rights, to defend against legal
claims; and
protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of
Innohive, our users or the public as required or permitted by law.
8. Third-party sites and services
8.1 The websites and applications of Innohive may contain links to
third-party websites and/or applications. Our products, services,
websites and applications may use products or services from third
parties or offer products or services to third parties. Information
collected by third parties, which may include your personal
information, is governed by their privacy practices.
8.2 Innohive encourages you to review the privacy policies of the
websites or applications you choose to link to from our websites or
applications so that you can understand how those websites or
applications collect, use and share your personal information. We are
not responsible for the privacy statements or other contents on the
websites or applications outside of the websites or applications
provided by our company.
Security of your personal information
9.1 Innohive will use reasonable commercial endeavors, including
administrative and technical measures, to safeguard your personal
information from unauthorized access, use, alteration, disclosure or
destruction. In particular,
we review our information collection, storage and processing
practices, including physical security measures, to guard against
unauthorized access to systems;
we provide relevant training to the employees to handle personal
information properly;
we restrict access to personal information in order to process it
for us, and who are subject to strict contractual confidentiality
obligations and may be disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet
these obligations.
9.2 Please keep in mind that if you directly disclose your personally
identifiable information through the public message boards,
discussion forum, chat room, social networking services or other
places, the personal information you share is visible to other users
and can be viewed, collected and/or used by them. You are responsible
for the personal information you choose to provide in these
Retention of your personal information and other information
10.1 Innohive reserves the right to retain your personal information,
other information collected about you and contents you submit to or
through our services to the extent required by applicable laws, rules
and regulations and as reasonably necessary to protect our legal
interests and operate our business.
10.2 Innohive will retain your personal information for the period
necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy
unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. We
will take all practicable steps to ensure that your personal
information is not kept longer than is necessary.
Access and correction of your personal information
11.1 Your personal information will be kept in our database for a
reasonable period. If you are the subject of the personal
information, under the Ordinance, you have the right to check whether
we hold your personal information, to obtain a copy of such
information and to correct any related information which is
inaccurate or outdated.
11.2 You may also request to delete your personal information.
However, Innohive aims to maintain our services in a manner that
protects your personal information from accidental or malicious
destruction. Because of this, after you have deleted your personal
information from our services, we may not immediately delete residual
copies from our active servers and remove information from our backup
systems. Innohive will remove the information you have deleted within
reasonable time if such information is no longer necessary for the
fulfillment of the purposes for which the information is used.
11.3 Such requests should be in writing by email at
11.4 When updating or deleting your personal information, we may ask
you to verify your identity before we can act on your request.
11.5 Innohive may reject requests that are unreasonably repetitive,
require disproportionate technical effort (for example, developing a
new system or fundamentally changing an existing practice), risk the
privacy of others, or would be extremely impractical (for instance,
requests concerning information residing on backup tapes).
Changes and updates to this Privacy Policy
Innohive will occasionally update this Privacy Policy to reflect the
change of our company’s service and customers’ feedback. We reserve
the right to change the terms, conditions and notices under this
Privacy Policy, with or without notifications to you. We encourage
you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to be informed of how
we are protecting your information. You are responsible to read and
abide by the latest version of the Privacy Policy. Your continued use
of the products, services, websites and mobile applications provided
by our company constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and
any updates.
In the event of inconsistency or discrepancy between the version in
English and version of any other language, the version in English
shall prevail.
Contact information
If you have any enquiries or concerns about Innohive’s personal
information privacy policy or practice, please contact us by email at